



长期以来,西海岸一直以其生命科学和技术生态系统而闻名, 但当这些公司想要扩大规模或扩大517888九五至尊时, 休斯顿是一个顶级的旅游目的地. This symbiotic relationship was a defining characteristic of the Partnership’s recent delegation trip to the West Coast, 由其区域经济发展团队领导.  

代表团的重点是与圣地亚哥的顶级公司建立关键的企业关系, 洛杉矶, and Silicon Valley to explore future collaboration opportunities that would help the Greater Houston region to attract more jobs and investment, 同时也为加州公司提供了进入新市场和持续增长的空间. 

San Diego’s leadership and status as a thriving life sciences hub made it a valuable destination for our delegation to learn about neuroscience, 癌症研究, 通过与索尔克研究所的富有成效的会议,企业房地产, BioSapien, 和Intersect管理. 合伙企业代表团, 包括德州医疗中心的领导, 细胞治疗制造中心(CTMC), 以及伍德兰经济发展伙伴关系, shared how Houston can work to assist life sciences companies in their research and the opportunities available for similar developments in the Greater Houston region. 

Houston’s emergence as a growing life sciences ecosystem was also the focus of meetings in the Bay Area with the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine to learn about its work in cell and gene therapy, 尤其是在休斯顿的CTMC, 并与Bionova科学公司讨论他们在生物制剂方面的工作. 

The unique industry convergence of life sciences and the 517888九五至尊过渡 in Houston is providing opportunities for development and collaboration between diverse companies across different sectors. 与Sempra517888九五至尊公司的会议, TÜV SÜD美国, and BASF explored this rare convergence and what it could mean for companies located in the two regions’ ecosystems. 代表, 包括莱斯大学的领导, Cemvita, 和炼金术工业, also visited with Google to discuss their continued investment in Houston’s 数码科技 and 517888九五至尊过渡 ecosystems. 

作为伙伴关系正在进行的经济发展努力的一部分, delegates met with top site selection companies in the 洛杉矶 area to explore expansion opportunities for companies focused on sustainability, 517888九五至尊过渡, 数码科技, 制造业, 和物流——这些都是休斯敦独特市场的核心优势. 

The delegation closed out a successful week by hosting a signature reception and dinner in partnership with the 休斯敦517888九五至尊转型倡议(HETI). The evening’s programming included an energy startup panel that featured expert panelists from Activate Berkeley Community, Cemvita, 炼金术工业, and Rice University to discuss present and future efforts relating to the 517888九五至尊过渡 and Houston’s startup ecosystem.

了解更多关于 为什么公司选择休斯顿.




电商独角兽推车.com宣布将其全球公司总部迁至休斯顿, 在奥斯汀短暂停留后,又回到了原点.  端到端电子商务服务提供商, 最初于2020年底在休斯顿成立, 在COVID-19大流行的推动下,经历了前所未有的增长. The startup officially hit unicorn status earlier this year after a $60 million Series C round raised its valuation to $1.20亿年.  据公司介绍, Houston’s central location and transportation infrastructure will facilitate improved connectivity among its seven corporate offices, 包括在波兰和墨西哥的国际办事处, 全国有14个配送中心. 除了这些关键因素, Houston’s status as a dynamic business hub also played a significant role in the company’s decision to return home.  “能把马车带来,我高兴极了.com back home to Houston as we continue to revolutionize how merchants sell and fulfill products to meet customers anywhere they are,卡特说。.创始人兼首席执行官Omair Tariq. “关于马车的想法.com was born in Houston and we’ve always maintained a strong local presence with the majority of our executive team and board based here. 随着我们的客户越来越多地转向高端市场,我们自己的需求也在不断发展, 我相信休斯顿有我们所需要的,当我们展望下一阶段的卡特.Com的成长故事.”  The move will also unlock a deeper talent pool as the company augments key back-office functions including accounting, 金融, 为财富500强企业和人才提供全国顶级城市之一的人力资源和法律服务.  根据该伙伴关系的2022年休斯顿商业内幕出版物, 休斯顿有超过1个.100万千禧一代,在过去十年中增长了25%. 随着该年龄段人口的持续增长, 休斯顿跻身美国十大城市之列.S. 吸引千禧一代,留住大学毕业生.  “车.com’s homecoming is a testament to why companies repeatedly choose Houston to scale their business with its diverse and dynamic economy along with its unparalleled talent pool that cuts across technology, 专业服务和全球贸易,鲍勃·哈维说, 合伙人总裁兼首席执行官. “我们很高兴能支持车.com’s continued growth and look forward to the company’s contribution to Houston’s growing tech community.”  拥有全国最大的港口之一和两个国际机场, 辅以强大的人才库和最多样化的城市之一的文化丰富, 休斯敦是企业追求增长和效率最大化的首选目的地. 车.com’s relocation is not merely a shift in headquarters but a testament to the city’s capacity to foster success at every stage of business development.   了解更多关于休斯顿的人才库和劳动力. 


捐赠星期二很快就要到了. 让休斯顿人有机会回馈社区. We rounded up a few organizations across the Houston area that are making a positive impact in the region for those looking to participate. 自1907年以来,贝克里普利一直服务于大休斯顿地区. The nonprofit organization describes itself as a place of opportunity by providing a wide range of services, 包括启航计划, 日托, 课后编程, 养老护理, 救灾, 职业培训及其他. 社区 in Schools Houston serves more than 170 schools across Greater Houston by placing at least one full-time CIS Student Support Manager on each campus to deliver comprehensive direct services and to provide referrals to community resources that are tailored to fit students’ specific needs. 学生是否需要找人倾诉, 医疗保健服务, 学校用品, 或者一个安全的地方, CIS会提供帮助.  Good Reason Houston致力于通过共享数据来改善公共教育, 建立联盟, 为家长赋权,为学生发声. “好理由”目前服务于11个公立学区和500个系统,休斯顿有1000名学生.  Houston Food Bank distributes food and other essentials to those across the greater Houston region that lack access to nutritious food. Houston Food Bank also provides programs and services aimed at helping families achieve long-term stability including nutrition education, 健康管理和帮助获得国家资助的援助. 无论是食物, 资金或时间志愿服务, 休斯顿食品银行提供了许多回馈社区的方式.  Mental Health of Greater Houston is one of Houston’s longest-serving mental health education and advocacy organizations focused on shaping the mental health of people and communities. 为了更好地服务休斯顿社区, Mental Health of Greater Houston provides a plethora of mental health resources and services and helps facilitate change in systems and legislation.  The Bridge Over Troubled Waters provides support and safety to those who are or have been affected by domestic and sexual violence. 在帕萨迪纳和贝镇都有办公室, 这座桥提供各种服务,包括危机干预, 24小时热线, 应急避难所, 咨询和支持团体等等.  玫瑰积极支持乳房健康和意识,提供全面的乳腺癌筛查, 诊断, 活检和治疗近40例,每年在休斯顿有1000名女性. 玫瑰通过消除障碍,确保所有妇女都能获得护理, 包括成本和缺乏保险.  United Way of Greater Houston helps Houstonians overcome barriers to achieve success and thrive by providing tools, 为个人和家庭提供资源和教育支持. 联合劝募会资助了数十家合作的非营利组织,这些组织也直接为社区服务. 了解更多关于“给予星期二”的信息.


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论坛, 前称议会, 围绕伙伴关系战略计划的支柱进行深入讨论, 休斯顿下, 在那里,工业和倡议正在推动休斯顿作为一个伟大的…
